After Dinner


Housemade Softserve - 5

vanilla, seasonal flavor, or twist, served plain or w/ sprinkles

Brownie Sundae - 11

fudgy brownie, vanilla softserve, hot fudge, whipped cream, nuts, cherry

Two Cookies - 5

oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, served warm, add soft serve +2.5

Toppings: hot fudge, caramel, nuts, whipped cream +1

Another Round

(4 shots for the table)

Kitchen Coffees - 15

a round of PBR for the kitchen

Straight Tequila Night - 20

chilled tequila, limes, salt

Slim Gim - 20

gin, lime, simple

Fernet for Friendship - 20

an industry standard

Other Beverages

Coffee - 4.5

ESPRESSO Cold Brew - 4

BLK & Bold Hot Tea - 4

hibiscus citrus, chamomile, jasmine green, earl grey

~ oat milk +1, half & half, and whole milk available upon request ~